
Follow these instructions to leave a review of the podcast!

  1. A review cannot be left online, only through iTunes, but you can start at this link (opens in a new tab): Review my podcast on iTunes.
  2. Click the blue button that says “View in iTunes.” This will launch iTunes (if it’s not already open) and take you to this podcast.
  3. Click “Ratings and Reviews”
  4. Click “Write A Review”
  5. Write your review and click “Submit”
iPhone or iPad
  1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app.
  2. Tap the Search tab.
  3. Enter the name of the podcast you want to rate or review.
  4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right.
  5. Tap the album art for the podcast.
  6. Tap the Reviews tab.
  7. Tap Write a Review at the bottom.
  8. Tap the Stars to leave a rating.
  9. Enter title text and content to leave a review.
  10. Tap Send
Android or Sticther
  1. Go to the show’s page on Stitcher (opens in new tab)
  2. Click where it says “Reviews”.
  3. Click the “Write a Review” button.