These world building prompts come from 3000 World Building Prompts, which you can get at Amazon. This section is focused on creating information systems.
- How are public announcements made?
- Is there so much information that many people tune it all out?
- Do people care about what is happening the setting or think it doesn’t impact them?
- Is there so little information that rumors run rampant?
- Who or what is a trusted source of information to each cultural group?
- How much propaganda is there where the characters will be?
- How informed/ignorant is the average person?
- Are people unsure who to trust?
- Do people have easy access to cultural information to avoid tensions in their travels?
- Or must they rely upon a more knowledgeable character, and who is that?
- Is there a town crier?
- If so, from where are announcements made?
- What level of technology exists for long distance communication? Mail, telegram, phones, radios, the internet?
- Are these systems protected by sovereign powers or other organizations?
- How reliable is the system?
- How likely is a hack?
- Are there any specific communication devices?
- How reliable are they?
- How easy are they to fix?
- Are they precious or taken for granted?
- Can anyone purchase and use the devices?
- Are physical messengers protected or fair game for assault?
- What animals are used to transport messages?
- How are they trained?
- How common are they?
- Do messengers have any special privileges while traveling, such as discounts?
- Is being a messenger considered safe or dangerous?
- Do ships or stagecoaches carry messages?
- If so, how well guarded are they?
- Can magic be commonly used to disseminate information?
- Are there magic devices that assist with this?
- If so, how common are they?
- What are the items called?
- Are there any well-known, influential libraries? Where are they?