Fantasy Summit – Day Five


The fifth and final day of the 2024 Fantasy/Sci-Fi Authors Summit is now underway. Come join us.

We begin with Robert Wood Anderson discussing how to add tension and surprising twists to hold our reader’s attention.

Joshua Dyer then talks about mastering emotional arcs for character depth.

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Then Hayley Milliman of Pro Writing Aid and I discuss how to use the tool to master the art of self-editing, which can save us time and money preparing our books for publication. I personally use this tool to improve my writing.

Clayton Noblit then talks about boosting book sales and visibility by using book marketing websites.

Ad finally, we end the summit with Kris Safarova sharing her wisdom on the power of email marketing to increase sales and reader engagement.

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It’s not too late to get the premium pass to gain lifetime access to all sessions. This is the only way to catch sessions you may have missed AND to get the bonuses. Grab the pass here.
