Where to Start Inventing World Figures


The first fundamental decision is what type of person are we inventing: good or evil? While it’s true that some will consider a person one way while others consider them another, it’s easier for us to decide on one to start with and decide later how enemies might view them. We should also decide their profession, such as knight, warrior, priest, or ruler. This will determine their capabilities and often how traveled they are, plus their influence. Next we should decide what we’re hoping to achieve with this person. Remember that they aren’t necessarily a character we’ll use in a prominent way (we can do that later of course), but someone whose existence influenced the world and inhabitants. The deeds for which they became famous are often central to this, so focus on what they’ve done. Another major decision is how long ago they lived and died, or whether they’re still alive. Other items can be saved for last, including possessions, steeds, ships, family, relationships, origins, and training.
