I’ve often joked that I find it hard to believe that God created the world in only six days because it takes me forever. Hopefully this volume will speed you along in your own invention of life. It bears repeating that world building is optional and not everything in this series must be done. Try to avoid feeling overwhelmed. If this happens, take a break. You might be taking everything too seriously. As your world’s ultimate god, what you say goes. This includes a decision to skip over the invention of something because you don’t need it, don’t care, don’t have the time, or don’t have an idea. This book and the templates should help you flesh out forgotten areas of invention, but it’s okay to have blanks in your files where nothing is written about a subject; I have left things this way for over a decade. One day it will occur to you (or not) to write something for that subject, especially when you need it for your project.
Don’t let this become a chore. World building is fun.